Sunday, October 24, 2021

Olympus October Update 4- Demigods of Poseidon and Athena

There are so many options for warbands in both Olympus and Aegyptus that it never hurts to have a few extra Harbingers or Demigods lying around. This time I painted up Demigods of Poseidon and Athena because I've had rough ideas in the back of my painting brain for some time about each of these. 

The Demigoddess of Athena is another great sculpt. Most of the painted versions I've seen have been pretty light colors so I wanted to go a little dark on her. The light blue trim was originally planned as an attempt at the Ancient Greek border design (I had to look it up- a meander) but I chickened out and just went with the trim. 

The base has a broken floor look because I thought it would be cool and it turned out well.

The Demigod of Poseidon is, once again, a great sculpt.  This is the coolest-looking Demigod that I will probably never use to lead a warband-- but he's so damned cool. From the moment I saw the greens of him I was plotting paint schemes. I wanted to do something nobody else would do and finally came up with a wavy sort of tie dye for his cloak. 

He's been called 'the surfer dude' since I started painting him and that led to him getting blonde hair. The scales on his armor (I love to paint the scale armor on many of the WarGods minis) got mix of a dark gold with some color-shifting metallic blue/purple to help it look a little bit like fish. 

Much like with the Bronze Minotaur earlier in the month,  I wanted to protect the trident from damage as much as possible. So the trident got magnets. I had to build up a little 'bumper' of sorts with uv resin and mod podge on both the hand and wrist sides so the connection would be more stable. 

To continue the surfer dude theme I HAD to do a water base. A mix of blues and greens on the base and then added varying layers of UV resin to get some waves on the base. I think it turned out pretty good. 

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