Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Nekharu Torturer and ToTanem Harbinger


Before Adepticon I got these two finished, the Harbinger for the loaner warband I was taking in case someone without minis wanted to play in the "Big Trouble in Crocodiliopolis" game and the Nekharu Torturer for my Isis warband in case I was needed to fill a slot for the game.

Long long ago I converted a Coven Witch sculpt to be a Torturer- it was okay but I've grown to dislike it in that role (he's got a polearm). This Torturer is a very slight conversion of the official mini (I removed the knife from his left hand and replaced it with a feather because I thought it would be cool as a torture tool).

Here's a slightly blurry picture of the Torturer with the converted Flesh Hulk (using a metal Reaper mini and parts of an old plastic Warhammer zombie) I did very long ago.

My ToTanem are nearly "complete" but I have never done a Harbinger for them (I have used a City-Dweller Harbinger for them in the past). But Adepticon was the perfect deadline to force me to focus on the ToTanem Harbinger. The shield replaced his fancy stick because I've wanted to do that conversion for a very long time. I think it turned out pretty good with the sorta marble effect. 

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Final Four Asar Slingers


Just in time for March Madness (not really, but it IS March) come the last four Asar Slingers to have a full unit!

These guys were meant to be quick and dirty but languished partially painted for a month or so (not long considering the time many other minis have languished in despair) until the other night. I decided to go quicker on them to make them look okay. I think they're a little more than okay. Can't wait to use them in a skirmish or regular game...

And now that the unit is legal (I have some extra Asar standards and musicians I can add as needed) they're all together ready to cast the first stones at the enemies of their Harbinger.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Talons of the Witchlord - A Nekharu Warband


The Nekharu warband I have inadvertently been building up since WarGods of Aegyptus was originally released is  up to a good playable size. There are 3 full units of warriors, a Torturer with Flesh Hulk, 2 Witch Masters with a total of 11 Coven Witches, a Hero (maybe more accurately villain), and the recently completed Witchlord. There's also a chariot and an unused (and shunned because don't like how the conversions came out) Standard and Musician. 

The 14-strong archer unit ('the Cutting Wind') includes a Captain, Standard, and Musician. These guys got their start as reinforcements during the epic Ankharha campaign. I got some of the first castings of these figures because I'm sneaky that way. I had converted one of the Witch sculpts to have a bow and quiver and was very happy that it would not be necessary to convert any more like that. 

Another early unit is the 14-strong Mancleavers. They also have a Captain, Standard, and Musician. These are mostly all standard builds with the only real customization being the heads (they come in a variety of styles) and paint color choices. A couple have had the Mancleaver blade changed to another weapon for variety. 

The recently bulked up Paladins of Despair are 14-strong, again, including the Captain, Standard, and Musician. These are mostly converted Mancleaver sculpts given a hand weapon and shield. These are probably my favorite unit and I've been brainstorming new conversion options for more. 

The official Witch Master with a coven of mostly converted Witches (plus a couple of little GW minis that fit in with the Nekharu) includes some of my first WarGods minis. A coven is only allowed 10 witches so the extra conversions are the start of a second coven. A Nekharu warband should be able to have two Witch Masters because it just seems right.

TheNekharu Hero with battlescythe is a favorite of mine. At times he has led the Mancleavers into battle but now I think he works better as a soloist (or maybe in the "Savage Chariot" that I didn't dig out of it's box for these pictures). 

Early on in my WarGods journey I thought I could convert a Torturer and Flesh Hulk. So I did. I'm not as happy with the Torturer (another Witch as the base figure) as I am the Flesh Hulk (based on a Reaper mini with a GW zombie sticking out of his back). In the background is the Witchlord, the Nekharu answer to a Harbinger, can be seen in all his converted glory here.

There is at least one more conversion partially painted that will join the Talons soon enough. I've also got a lot of Mancleavers ready for assembly and/or conversion to form up another unit. It would be really great to try out this warband in a battle against someone named Jordan and his Heru or whatever he's using now...

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Nekharu Witchlord Conversion


For countless years I've wanted to make a Witchlord conversion to lead a large Nekharu warband (this is not strictly "legal" in the WarGods of Aegyptus rules but would be reallycool). A couple years ago I came across the Silver Tower box from GW for a really good price. It had several miniatures I wanted for various conversions and the Gaunt Summoner seemed perfect as a base for this conversion. 

I used the Witch Master head and arms from the original Nekharu witch sculpts. Some additional plastic bits from various GW kits also went into the conversion. The picture below is from page 159 of the Aegyptus rulebook and served as the main inspiration for the conversion. 

The book with magic and the dagger was really a fun bit to paint. I was going to do a glowing affect on the skull eyes but it just did not match up with what I wanted. 

Since the Witchlord is on a 25mm base he can easily as a Harbinger stand-in if I really want to. He looks great at the head of an evil warband...