Friday, May 15, 2020

WMM '20 - Egyptian Adventuress, Medea, Seated Statues

WarGods Minis Month continues to flow like paint from the magical brushes used on these miniatures... This time we've got a mixed bag- 2 resin seated Egyptian statues (I'm not sure where they came from), a Dark Hable Egyptian Adventuress, and Medea from the Mythic Battles Pantheon miniatures boardgame.

These simple resin statues were pretty quick paintjobs, but the detail is such that they look pretty good for their purpose. The backs are simply flat so they can fit up against other terrain so I just painted them with successively lighter drybrushes of greys.
Below we see the Crocodile Games Helen miniature strolling between the statues.

Hijet the Adventuress is armed with a fancy kopesh that was painted with a color-shifting metallic paint so it looks kinda magical. Her eye makeup is passable. 
Below Hijet confronts a wicked Nekharu anti-hero (from Crocodile Games).

When I was looking for a figure to use as a Demigoddess of Dionysus I came across figures from the Mythic Battles Pantheon game and thought this Medea or this Circe figure would do. The Circe figure won out and took part in the GenCon 2019 WarGods of Olympus event. That left this equally nice mini languishing around the painting table. I removed her integral round base and put her on a 20mm square so she can take part in any WarGods gaming that might come up. She could be a sorceress of some sort.
I knew she'd have to have some clingy see-through parts on her dress because it just seemed like a shame not to do something like that. I think it turned out okay. Her magical swirling energy bits turned out pretty good too.
Below we have Medea showing off for the evil mastermind Tebbi the Priest (a converted Crocodile Games mini).

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