Saturday, October 19, 2024

Dark Fable Egyptian Eunuch Guards

A long time ago (10 years!? Come on!), I painted up my first two Dark Fable Eunuch Guards. Now there are four more done. Also, I finally went back and cleaned up the first 2 a little. The new ones got a pretty quick and dirty paintjob to get them finished. 

Below are those first two, slightly updated, spearmen.

And here are the two newly painted spears.

A leader/hero with his fancy axe/Chopper thing. The bottom of the shaft was really thin and didn't reach the base, so I sculpted the little ball. It looks pretty okay. 

Another leader/hero with two swords (maybe a sword and dagger).

And here we have the current "unit" of eunuchs. I have several more so they might actually end up being enough for a unit of 10 to 12. Or they may just serve as special figures for Scenarios and skirmish. I know a couple of the duplicates will be getting headswaps to make them more Aegyptus. 

Now a couple of size comparison shots. Above we've got some Crocodile Games figures (Heru spearman conversion, Queen of the Crocs, and a Crocodiliopolis spearman.) Below, a couple with the Forge of Ice Sleepy Sentries. 

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