Saturday, October 19, 2024

Urethekau the Sorcerer and a New Black Quill

"...the occupant was indeed the renowned Uraei Harbinger Urethekau the Sorcerer. His expertise with the words of power was said to rival even the greatest of Tethru Masters of Words at the time. Urethekau is said to have gone into battle wielding the Behdjet, a curious orb that amplified his words of power that was also, somehow, a cutting weapon..."
Shefdu Sootootma, Scribe of Khepri
Self-proclaimed Nomarch of Ankhara
Tethru Dark Harbinger

A Diehard Miniatures figure from one of their early Kickstarters, I had put this one off for so long because of the second pair of arms with huge swords. I liked the look, but I wasn't sure how to make them fit in with my plan to use the figure as a mummy for something to do with WarGods of Aegyptus. The Uraei don't have four arms, so I finally realized I could just skip them and remove the connection stumps from the figure. 

That simple removal of the stumps where the sword arms were to attach made me see the figure in a whole new light. I attached the little spellbook and primed him up.

But first, it was time to create another Kekooee Seshket (Black Quill) because it just was. A couple of 


Urethekau was a pretty straightforward paintjob. The Bedjhet was the fanciest part. I based it with a darker green and did a couple lighter green blends up to the Ral Partha florescent green. This gave a nice swirling magic effect. 

Here's a size comparison of Urethekau with Hemati and Shefdu. He's significantly larger, so he got a 25mm base. He'll likely see some action in some Ankhara skirmishes. 

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