For far too long I have neglected the WarGods of Olympus Kickstarter Amazon minis. They suffered because of my insecurities about how well I would paint them. Hopefully that insecurity has faded with these first four spear-chicks.
This first one was partially painted for a couple of years, she was meant to be the test figure for a paint scheme but I was afraid of 'messing her up.' It took just a small push to get her done and she serves as the model for the official color scheme for the rest of this first unit of spears.
Next up was the standard bearer. She follows the basic scheme but since I can't easily stick to a strict color scheme for such good sculpts. Plus she's the standard bearer so she gets to have some personal flair. Her shield had the hand nailed 5o it removed because I like variety of shield designs.
Third up was another rank-and-file chick. I forgot that some of the spearwomen didn't have sleeves. I like the sleeves a lot but I kinda like the ease of this sculpt's bare arms and I think she turned out pretty good.
Finally we've got a possible captain for the unit, I tried to give her an older/more veteran look. Of course, her colors are totally different from the main blue theme of the others so far. This ties back to one of the two bodyguards painted up for my 2019 GenCon event warband. My overall plan is to have one unit of spears in mostly blues and another in mostly reds. So this one fits nicely into that plan and she looks good. I like how her right eye came out looking a little blind- she'll stab you with her spear and one eye because she's that grizzled a veteran.
Last year, for Olympus October, I finished up the Amazon Musician so I thought it would be nice to see how the unti looks with her in the mix...
More of the Amazons are on the painting table because I've got a little bit of courage to tackle them now.