Thursday, October 3, 2019

Basti Painter and Basti Gamer

These two special event miniatures from Crocodile Games have been partially painted for far too long (I've been saying that a lot lately). Well now they're done and I can get back to the partially painted lead and plastic pile...
I've painted the Basti Gamer before, but I think I sent it to someone else. I tried to make some subtle details here and there- like the color of his WarGods book is sorta like the 2nd Edition orange, a little. He's got 2 different colored metal dice in his right hand and there's rough 'stars' on his dicebag hanging from his belt. No special significance to the white line on his pron, I just anted to add something simple to make it more interesting (I think the first time I painted it as tie-dye).

The Basti Painter is one of my top 10 favorite WarGods sculpts (at least this week) so I was somewhat intimidated by it. I got his kin and most of the base of his clothes done but that's where he was stuck for a looong time (a couple years). Finally I started putting the paint blobs on his palette and then went for the finishing touches. There's a little tattoo on his left shoulder because of some paint screwup that I was trying to cover up. It's really abstract, though, and I didn't get a clear picture of it.



    Gamer have house rules?

    1. I think I have some ideas in a notebook somewhere. If I find them I'll let you know.
