Monday, August 8, 2011

GenCon 2011/ Pandora's Box Campaign Finale Part 3

And now the Finale of the Pandora's Box Finale:

Having lost my Harbinger in the most awesome way ever (better than the time DaveL's Harb was swallowed by that Abomination by far) all I had left in the fight was my Bes (Asar) Hero, Iodah. Unfortunately he'd spend the rest of the battle trying to make his Discipline Test to charge into the Titan on the steps.

Fitz reveals that Kronos is attempting to chomp on WHOEVER he can get his hands on. Debs is pleased that her evil Typhon Harbinger was able to avoid becoming a snack...

A Stone Colossus takes the fight to Xerxes. A valiant effort, but it doesn't manage to hurt him anywhere near as much as Shefdu did...

What's this? Pete's Tethru Harbinger has managed to best DaveL's Aspect of the Defender Heru Harbinger in Provocation? Meanwhile, Joe's heroic ToTanem Harb is locked in Provocation with a Dark Harbinger and he's not making any progress against the undead thing...

Fitz gleefully observes his malign machinations come to fruition as Debs takes a nice picture...

The Stone Colossus is defeated and falls into the lava pool...

A different ToTanem Harbinger manages to get to the remaining stone pillar and do a little damage. Pete's Tethru Harbinger gets into position to aid his brother Ægyptian with the power of Thoth...

Pete's Thethru Harbinger unleashes his Ka power Bolt of Energy at the pillar. Fitz dramatically figures the damage- and the pillar is destroyed! The cavern ceiling collapses in, killing everyone and re-imprisoning Kronos. But Xerxes, the architect of this whole situation, uses his dark magic to teleport to safety at the last second. That guy is really evil....

So the Tethru and ToTanem Harbingers played pivotal roles in saving the world from an Olympian-caused crisis.

One last shot of Shefdu's horrible/awesome fate. But the Scroll Traveller will return. He shan't be destroyed so easily....

Every time I go past the Children's Museum I have to try to take a picture of the dinosaurs busting through the wall. It's just so cool...


  1. Well, that looks just awesome.

    Sad that I missed it! (and the last couple of years, too... :( )

    What's the figure that was used as Kronos? It's pretty cool!


  2. It was, and you were missed by most.

    The figure is a Spawn figure that came with a smaller Spawn shooting an energy blast that went through this big guy. I'm guessing that means this is a Malebolgia figure from a really olde figure series.
