Monday, August 8, 2011

GenCon 2011/ Pandora's Box Campaign Finale Part 1

GenCon Indy 2011 was mostly set in the new part of the Convention Center. The olde Exhibitor Hall (the one where everyone's booths have been since GenCon moved to Indy) was abandoned in favor of the sparkly new halls. Some people have said that it seemed bigger this year but to me it seemed a lot smaller than in years past. the Exhibitor Hall especially seemed really small compared to the olde one.

Now to the first batch of pictures:

This is the 'cafe' area outside of the olde abandoned Exhibitor Hall-- at 11AM Saturday. Even the little concession stands off to the left were closed down.

The newly expanded Indiana Convention Center. The A-C area is where the olde GenCon Exhibitor Hall was, now it's in the new H-I area. Gaming halls were in D-G.

The Pandora Campaign Finale coverage starts here. I forgot the name of the guy to my left, but he's one of Tim's buddies. Running ToTanem with a 'sculpted' chariot for his Harbinger (painted like an animated statue).

Still before any battles had begun, Tim and Tony are on the Chaos/evil side of the table...

Vic and DaveL down at the end of the table, both also on the evil side...

Two Olympus warbands to my right. the further one is Dave Williams'.

The Chaos warband leaders listen to Fitz introduce the scenario.

Half of Debs' Typhon warband...

The other half of Debs' Typhon warband...

The battle has begun. The objective was to get 'control' (the most points of troops and characters) of a 6" radius around the cave entrance. This would determine how much stuff you could take into the cave for the second half of the finale... Anyway, Shefdu got his chariot shot out from under him after his first movement! I love a challenge.

The Sebeki chariot falls short on their charge of the Basti archers... Crap!

The Basti archers managed to leave the Sebeki charioteers walking. Debs brought out her Harbinger's chariot and did her first ever passing attack- taking out the Sebeki passenger.

The fight to my right...

Menthu, the Apis (not-Beloved of Sobek), charged the Typhon Harbinger's chariot and smashed it into kindling...

Amerotke's Tethru chariot charged into Debs' Nekharu archers, taking them out of shooting for most of the rest of the game...

Debs' Typhon spearmen (one of the units) and my Bes (Asar) Spearmen pass each other with bigger targets in mind...

The other battles to my left and right.
To be continued....

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