Sunday, October 13, 2024

Three More Mummy Archers

Aeons ago, during that legendary Ankhara World Campaign, I was lucky enough to get a handful of the test casts of the Eater of the Dead Mummy Warrior Archers. A few were painted and slightly converted for use in the campaign. These three have languished in a box partially painted since then. Now they are finished. 

Several of the early casts were without heads or quivers, so that variations could be made before they went into production. This guy is one of these, he got a Nekharu head and no quiver.

These two are some of the first castings of the actual finished Mummy Archers. 

These three bring the Mummy Warrior Archers up to a unit of 12. I'm glad to have them done after far too many years partially painted.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Four More Satyrs

A mix of brown and green fur on these last (for now) Satyrs. 

For this group, I tried to use the same colors across all four of them. They were quick and dirty, but I think they came out pretty good.

This brings my total number of Satyrs up to 21 (including musicians and champions/heroes, but minus the one who is missing). I think I need to get some more to pad out the units, and because they were pretty fun to paint. 

A little blurry, but these are the mostly brown-fur led by the swigging hero and with a "Catyr" musician.

The previously painted guys who got sand and flock on the bases got a dark brown wash to more closely match the newer ones with homemade texture paste on the base. 

These are the mainly green-fur guys led by the littlest Satyr and with the female musician.

I really like how the whole Satyr Host (is that the right term for several Satyrs?) look together. I'm tempted to come up with some Satyr Skirmish game to use them in.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

More Green Satyrs

WarGods Minis Month 2024 returns for its final third with three new Satyrs for the second unit. These guys got green fur, because I like how that looks. 

There was another green fur guy, but he has apparently wandered off. Here are the green fur Satyrs (minus the missing one) all together.  More to come...

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hemos the Epic Poet

This guy has been partially painted for too long. On the last day of the 2nd part of WarGods Miniatures Month, he was finished. 

Hemos, the Blind, got a pretty simple paintjob. He's "blind" because I didn't like how his eyes were turning out so I just ignored them after a couple of tries. I like how he turned out and am happy he's finally finished. 

Here we have Hemos with a couple of random groups of Olympus and Aegyptus figures.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Centaur Test Model Completed

This guy is probably the last part of the opening third of 2024's WarGods Minis Month. I've been looking for centaur miniatures since I decided to make an Amazon Demigoddess of Artemis warband dubbed "the Wild Hunt." There are other aspects needed besides some centaurs (a stag miniature has been found!) to get it finished, but the centaurs are a big part of holding it back. 

Forge of Ice makes some great ape men miniatures that I hadn't even considered for part of any conversion because I wanted them as ape men. But when Wargames Atlantic came out with their plastic horses, a lightbulb went off. 

While it was a shame to chop this metal miniature in half (what will I do with legs from a big ape guy?), I think it may have been well worth it.

The fur on his back is greenstuff showing my inconsiderable sculpting talents. His loincloth is from some resin conversion bits. The chain is some jewelry chain that seems a little too big. The skulls and shield are from various plastic and resin sources.

Heru spearman vs the Centaur.

The Centaur with a Demigoddess of Artemis.

Some size comparison pictures with various 28mm minis (mostly from Crocodile Games).

The Centaur and his Satyr buddy having a grand time.

Female Centaur (Foundry) vs male Centaur.

Centaur vs the Amazon Heroine.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Euryale the Gorgon

Another in the neverending series of miniatures that were assembled and primed or partially painted but then set aside, Eurayle from Arena Rex. One of the main reasons I backed the Arena Rex Kickstarter was this mini (also the half snake, half lion, half giraffe monster thing that's still unassembled). I came across something random that reminded me of her and decided I must finish her off now.

She was based on a roughly 60 x 80mm base because, at the time, I didn't have a large enough round base and I wanted to use her for WarGods of Olympus as part of my Titan Warband. The ground was recently built up with some homemade texture paste and a few chunks of cork.

It took a bit to get a color scheme chosen. I was also struggling with what kind of markings to do on her body. It was between long lines down the length of her body and the randomly placed stripes I went with. Green on the snake body seems to have worked out well with the light blue/grey stripes.

I knew I wanted her human skin to be pale and decided on a more yellowish pale that helped her orangey hair stand out. I'm also pretty pleased with how her hair came out.

Here are a few normal human sized figures with the imposing Eurayle. Above, a brave Hoplite stands against the might of Euryale. Below we see a Demigoddess of Artemis approach Euryale and below that, a Beloved of Sobek charges in to tussle with the Gorgon.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Pharaonic Family

I've made several attempts, the last three years or so, to complete these Dark Fable miniatures because it's the royal family. Now they're finished and they turned out okay. I don't usually paint the eyes on figures anymore, and with these pictures I realized the daughter especially looks a little odd. I will probably be revisiting the hole family to see what I can do.

First we've got the eldest son with his fancy kopesh. He's probably not as good with it as he thinks he is.

Next up are the little ones. They were actually the first finished minis from this group. The daughter's dress with the "design" is maybe my favorite of the family. 

We move on to the Pharoah himself. But is he really the one in charge?

Finally we have the Queen. I almost finished painting her on her own several times, but I was able to hold off until the rest of the family was closer to complete. I had thought about doing some hieroglyphics on her skin or dress, but decided against it.