The Nekharu warband I have inadvertently been building up since WarGods of Aegyptus was originally released is up to a good playable size. There are 3 full units of warriors, a Torturer with Flesh Hulk, 2 Witch Masters with a total of 11 Coven Witches, a Hero (maybe more accurately villain), and the recently completed Witchlord. There's also a chariot and an unused (and shunned because don't like how the conversions came out) Standard and Musician.
The 14-strong archer unit ('the Cutting Wind') includes a Captain, Standard, and Musician. These guys got their start as reinforcements during the epic Ankharha campaign. I got some of the first castings of these figures because I'm sneaky that way. I had converted one of the Witch sculpts to have a bow and quiver and was very happy that it would not be necessary to convert any more like that.
Another early unit is the 14-strong Mancleavers. They also have a Captain, Standard, and Musician. These are mostly all standard builds with the only real customization being the heads (they come in a variety of styles) and paint color choices. A couple have had the Mancleaver blade changed to another weapon for variety.
The recently bulked up Paladins of Despair are 14-strong, again, including the Captain, Standard, and Musician. These are mostly converted Mancleaver sculpts given a hand weapon and shield. These are probably my favorite unit and I've been brainstorming new conversion options for more.
The official Witch Master with a coven of mostly converted Witches (plus a couple of little GW minis that fit in with the Nekharu) includes some of my first WarGods minis. A coven is only allowed 10 witches so the extra conversions are the start of a second coven. A Nekharu warband should be able to have two Witch Masters because it just seems right.
TheNekharu Hero with battlescythe is a favorite of mine. At times he has led the Mancleavers into battle but now I think he works better as a soloist (or maybe in the "Savage Chariot" that I didn't dig out of it's box for these pictures).
Early on in my WarGods journey I thought I could convert a Torturer and Flesh Hulk. So I did. I'm not as happy with the Torturer (another Witch as the base figure) as I am the Flesh Hulk (based on a Reaper mini with a GW zombie sticking out of his back). In the background is the Witchlord, the Nekharu answer to a Harbinger, can be seen in all his converted glory
There is at least one more conversion partially painted that will join the Talons soon enough. I've also got a lot of Mancleavers ready for assembly and/or conversion to form up another unit. It would be really great to try out this warband in a battle against someone named Jordan and his Heru or whatever he's using now...