I got these scrolls from Last Stand Convertibles, they make lots of interesting bits for scenery and conversions. It was one of those "I don't have any specific ideas right now, but I'm sure these will be useful sometime" purchases. I've used a couple on some conversions but then it hit me these would be great as some objective markers. PLUS I could make another Kekooee Seshket (Black Quill) for no particular reason.
These were tossed together with minimal planning then primed and left overnight. The painting went pretty quick.Below we have the newest Kekooee Seshket/Black Quill with a scroll and a scroll tube.
I cannot paint too many specific hieroglyphs with a paintbrush at this small a size, but I try to make them look vaguely like something.
Shefdu and an unnamed scribe prepare to consult the scrolls for some reason or other...
Here we have a Tomb Raider of some kind looking at some new treasure to loot...